Friday, November 7, 2008

A New addition to our family- Need your help in naming her!

So, today I was browing the paper...and saw an puppies...of course the hubby loves small dogs...and I don't really but he's been pratically begging for one...and I saw some fox/rat terrier puppies for only 20 I called her...

.....then i went to look at them

.... then i got one and brought her home. You all know how this one goes...but I must amt I too have been looking for another companion to add to our crazy house!

We currently have a large dog and I mean LARGE (she weighs a little over 100 pounds cause she just sits with her age and has some medical issues) baby Kujo....shes a lab and I have had her for over 6 years and she's my baby...she is the dog that once say in a bathroom with me fr 3 days while I bled out with no one around....she didn't move...she laid to me curled up on the floor...I couldn't move and later found out I had cancer causing the bleeding and very intense pain from my colon...but gosh I had only owned her for about 5 months at that point...I adopted her when she was like 1.5 and have never thought twice about it...shes kind to kids...very tollerant of all the kids here esp. for her age. She used to sleep in my room but now has adapted to sleeping with my youngest and eldest sons...which I think is great...i love them having that memory of the family pet.

She has been with other dogs but due to some reason or another they have left or something has happened to them...and she remains...but with her aging I really want a dog to be around catch on to her great behavior. So, I brought HER home...i say her because they hubby has not choosen a name for her yet...therefore I thought I'd ask for you all's help....what do you think she looks like.....we like unique names...she has a very spunky yet suprisingly calm temper for her breed and is very sweet...

Already though as I have stated before she is HIS dog and yet I'm the one watching her and such when he's gone...but sh's doing great going outside to potty with only one small accident that we caught before she really had a chance to go....

So, pluck away...anything and everything let me ear it in your comments...

Our family now is the following
Matt 25
Lacey 24
KuJo 8-9ish (black lab)
Taylor almost 9
Desiree 3.5 almost
Landyn Just turned 2
2 gerbils brother and sister that are about 8 months old
and HER - about 8 weeks old

SO NAME HER!! If your name is choosen by Matt then I'll enter you three more times into the drawing I have going on!
So, look at her and name her...many or only one it's up to you...but he's looking for a great name for HER! I feel as though I should mention Matt is very prown to smart butt names or slightlty sarcastic like name...he doesn't want something just has to be someting witty or hope you have had mor eluck then i have.

Remember My Giveaways and Freebies

Just wanted to remind everyone that I am currently running some giveaways for some great glittered snowflakes and ornaments...pictured in a post below as well as some great handmade cards for all occasions and handmade patterned envelopes. When you leave a comment you are entered to win both...mention my blog to a friend...and have them mention a comment and you get entered twice...will be giving out a few sets of both of these. Also followers of my blog are entered as well.

Just wanted to remind everyone!

Home Aroma Tips

So, thought I would share a few things I do. Ever since having kids I hate how sometimes someone walks in and htey can just get hit with the smell of a poopy diaper just changed...even when disposed of outside...the smell lingers, or of the dog or just I have found these tips and one homemade one along the way to ensure your house has a pleseant aroma for you and your guests.

So the first one is my fav. but it's one I have done forever. I got to the store and buy the liquid poperi and the matching actual poperpuri..then I put half a bottle in a pan with some of the dry and for me i love apples and then I also throw in some cinnamon sticks or ground and some sliced apples.....and then just let it get to simmering and then turn to low for about 30 minutes and then fills the house with the best smell...I just lov ethis...then each monring until its gone i turn it on for an hour...and my house has a great smell all day....This also works if you use it in your slow But I always try to add some fresh things to the oranges or apples...

Next these are some i have read or just do

-make fresh coffee
- candles
- bake cookies- not a ton...just a batch
- bake a frozen pie...smells work and there's ur dessert
- fabreeze the walls...I do this all the time..instead of spraying in the air...I spray at a distance on the walls and curtians so the smell doesnt just settle on the
- Buy those gel scents...things you like...then put them in the bottom of the trash can...under the bag.....or other hidden places where smells get overwhelming.
- create a vase of orange peels and such the oils of lemons and limes and oranges give a great scent and are pretty if put with marbles and such for a day or two

Well that's all for now...but just thought I would share some of these