Saturday, January 24, 2009

That Spark

So, here is one of those wonderful entries to where I am once again seeking advice. For all of you gals who are in a commited relationship or married.

Everyone has heard or or knows of "the honeymoon period" in a relationship. Well I have been quite blessed and have always felt like even though we have been together for some time the hubby and I have had the honeymoon feelings our entire relationship. It seems just recently that I noticed a few things slipping. You know what I get into that comfortable feeling and kinda quite wooing eachother as you may have done during courting or your first few years of marriage. Now I say I am blessed because we have been together over 7 yrs...and I know many relationship slip into the comfortable zone only after one year.

But, I am curious...other than the actualy going out on do you keep the love it what you want...the spark.....the romance, or whatever...I'm interested to hear what you do when you feel like things are kinda mundane...not borning but just when the suprises aren't as often as the were. We go through these spurts and I know they always pass within a week or two but I'm curious to see what other couples do to keep the spark, the butterflies the romance I'm curious to hear what your hubbies do as well....

anyway ladies...looking forward to hearing what you got...don't get me wrong I am not in a rut or anything...I have a great relationship full of love and excitement but am just very curious what you all do do when you feel this way. thanks


Anonymous said...

My husband and I have been together for 3 years (married 1.5), but with starting out marriage with a child it shortened our "honeymoon period" drastically. We have sought advice and counseling recently because we knew we were heading down a bitter path rather than a happy one. And then for Christmas we received a wonderful book.

I highly suggest "The Five Love Languages" We read a section of it most nights together, just whatever we have time for, and just taking that time together has brought us closer. Spending time learning about each other and what "fills our love tank" has been a wonderful start to getting back to the giddy kids we used to be before life happened.

We also make sure to do date nights every week. Whether if it's just at home watching a movie together, playing board games, or going out to eat. It's a priority to us. Divorce to us is not an option, so we want to keep our happiness and love alive.

Twisted Cinderella said...

for me a big part of it is needing time to really connect with Prince Charming. In the evenings after the kids are sleeping we spend the evening together, really talking, watching television,enjoying each other. A little time each day with this person that I love remembering why he is my best friend. and I never let things build up. When something is on my mind I mention it to him. I don't attack him with it, but I do bring it up to him. That way little things don't build up to big things.