Another coater album! Gosh how much I love these!!! They are soo great!!!

More pages from another album!

Another great coaster album...made a from recycled resteraunt coasters!! I love these albums...simply paint the coasters, punch some holes and go to town!!!

More pages!!!

more pages from another coaster album

another page

more coaster album pages

An album created soley from recycled resteraunt coasters...I love creating this fun abums.

more coaster abum pages

Coaster abum pages

More pages from coaster abum.

More pages from Coater album

A page of the funky rocker paperbag abum I created for someone to use kinda as a journal.

Custom paperbag album I created personally for some one.

A funky and fun all boy album. Created with chipboard and soo many fun and bright papers and embelishments!

Here is an album created with chipboard- a fun funky all girl album! It's very bold and eclectic and just adore it!
Hope this will inspire some of you and feel free to ask away if you have any questions!!!!!