So, after a bit of thought I decided to post a mini-description of a day in my life. I had a few ladies emial me privatly requesting to know some of these so here they are. I actually kept track all last week and most are right on and some averaged for the day. Please keep in mind the hubby is here from orning till 2 everyday as well.
- I have the following on a daily basis at one point or another- girl-9 months, boy-23months, girl, 2.5, girl-3.5, girl-4, girl-5, girl-5, girl-6, girl-6 boy-5, boy-4, boy-9, and on special days-girl-5, boy-3.5.
-I am normally awake by 5:30 to a few children- my own...they are early risers...always have been. then at about 6:30 I have children to begin to arrive.....
- by mid-afternoon I have anywhere between 9-12 children in my care.
- I create 7-12 breakfasts
- I create 12 snacks
- I create 12 lunches
- I create 12 more snacks
- I created 8 dinners
- I feed one large dog twice a day
- I feed 2 gerbils
- I sweep and mop my floors 2-3 times a day
- I vaccume an almost 2000sq ft house 4 times a day
- I do the dishes between 5-8 times a day by hand
- I put 8 children to bed
- I bathe 8 children
- I plan and teach preschool-kindrgarten activities throughout 8 hrs of the day to children in my care.
- I try to remember to shower each day
- I try to sleep a full night but often do not as the hubby gets home at 2 am to talk
- I do 6-8 loads of laundry a day - sometimes it only gets folded and delivered to the room but its clean.
- I clean up toys a countless number of times each day
- I scrapbook when I get a chance
- I nap when the time allows- which is NEVER
- I work 7 days a week! Normally from 6 am to 1 am with other peoples children!
- I read my bible when I get the chance not as often as I wished to
- I wipe mor faces then I can even count
- Clean markers and crayons off faces, walls and carpet a few times a day
- Go through at least 12 bandaids a day
- Clean spilt milk and other bodily fluids from sofas, chairs and sooo much more at least 5 times a day.
- I serve on average 70 drinks a day between bottles, milk in sippy cups and water. ( we dont do juice or sodas)
- Walk twice a day to the school 3 blocks away with between 3-8 kids to pick up children.
- check emails and run an on-line scrapbooking group and assorted on-line blogs and preschool groups as often as I can.
- Daily update my preschool web-site for parents to look over what they did, have done and how they behaved.
-Updated at least 6 sets of parents as to how their child has done for the day.
-Work with many children daily...hourly...by the minute on potty training...lol
- Try to have a couple over once a week in the evening or at least one friend- but it may take us 4 hrs to watch a 1.5 hr movie...lol
- 2 times a day feel a young man through a feeding tube in his belly
- 4 times a day give two children breething treatments as need.
- 2 times a week bake fresh goodies!
-OWWWW and soo proud of this one- last week- moved with 9- 12 children in care- only across the street but I did it in 2 days with the help of the hubby and one of his friends we managed to have the old ouse cleaned and ready for the next and the new house unpacked and ready to live in with-in 3 days!
Ok, so I'm sure I left a few things out but I got many emails from parents of 4 or less children wondering what my day looked like and how in the heck I got through it.....and let me tell you ladies its not for the money...lol...cause they moneys not that great! But, there's a snippit from my day to day life...enjoy.....
Pictured at top is my darling daughter who is now 3.5!