Review 1:
Hope...Joy and a few little thoughts for pregnant teens by Rachel Brignoni
I really enjoyed reading this book. I was a pregnant teen at 15 so I found this to be a great read. This book truly helps a pregnant teen put things into perspective...not just what everyone else thinks they should do but helps them decide a few things for themselves. It offer inspirations stories and thoughts. One of my favorite things about this book is it leaves little spots for the person reading to fill in little things- so it therefore works as a great read and workbook for a teen. I also really enjoyed the Christian perspective without feeling like religion was being
shoved down my throat. The book offered great thoughts- none of which were focused only on the autors perspective. What I loved about this book best is it helps the teen pregnant mother figure out some of her thoughts and feelings and guides them into knowing they are okay. Which I think is very important with all of the negative feedback teens get these days. When I was prenant I always thought "why are they judging me--I know a ton of straight A students who have sex...the only diff. none of them got pregnant." I also adore the hope and fullfillment this book offers to a young girl- whihc in my opionion if she's pregnant she can't get enough of! With the book I also rec. a free cd and a great bracelet in a jewerly bag. I found this to be great. Not just because everyone loves a free gift but the teens I work with foudn that it conforted them in times of need and distress - knowing that there were ther teen girls goin through the same things- they used the bracelet as a point of connection and relief! All in all I just adored this book and would recommend it to all.
Review 2:
Eureka 4 in 1 multi-purpose bagless vaccume
Okay I love these things! I got two of them from wal-mart one in green and one in blue and they are also offered in pink. I found that these are just great for smaller kids say 2 and up to use. My
2 and 3 yr old just love them and they adjust to being their size and are very very light weight. I have foud that the ids can se these easily to clea up after themselves- whether it being crushed crackers or their room. The handle adjust for them to use or me.
One thing i do favor about these is there is no belts or no way they can suck something up and around a brush or brak a belt...and yet they suck and clean really
well...including stairs...they came with a few attachments as well for corners and stairs! The bottom piece easily pulls off to allow for it to be a handheld for the stairs and the size works great as it for stairs. These also are really inexpesive! Wal-mart had them for only 5 dollars for their black friday sale and they are normally between 9-15 bucks and well worth it! The kids love using them and they do pick up stuff...they work on hardwood and carpet!
Review 3:
Bissell Easy vac- lightweight and bagless
Bissell Easy vac- lightweight and bagless
These two I love they are super light weight- I was able to carry it in the box alogn with 8 bags
of grocery with no problems at all. I love that its bagless adn super easy to clean. There are two filters on it and they are both rinseable and super easy to clean and dry. This is very lightweight and yet does great w
ith pick up. I think it picks up better than my over 150 dollar vaccume! Its nice and smaller so it easily fits under coffee tables and other tight areas! It cost under 30 dollars and to me thats a steal! It come with a hose and attacments which are great for blinds and stairs! It also comes in three colors- pink, green and blue- I swung for the pink just for fun! It picks up dog hait like no other for its price! Easily movable and lightweight enough my 9 yr old can easilt manuver it. I just love it...esp for the price!!!! It just can't be beat for such a low cost! The bagless department eaily comes off as do the filters to ensure hasslefree cleaning!
Well that's it for today....hope these prove usefull to someone!