Saturday, May 30, 2009

Summer candid pics

These kids just crack me up here are some candid shots of them the last few weeks...

Circus Fun

The kiddos had never been to a circus but at the end of the school year a smal one came into town and I had no kids so...I took al three of them and they had a bast!

Summer Fun

Well, it's officially summer again! We finally got all the pools pulled out and bought some new ones for the kiddos. They love everything from the sprinkers to the pools. We bought two 10x6 ft pools for the kiddos to share, some sprinker things, a large round pool for the older kiddos, and thens ome other fun things! They love it a and it keep them occupied forever! Sure beats a t.v.

Some of my Latest Creations

Here are a few pages I have completed lately! Enjoy
Above is the cover to a paperbag abum I have been working on for a customer! I normally hate working with reds...but this is for a teens graduation and I think its turing out well!
Above is a layout of my son. Rather simple but I had fun with this one!
Above is a layout I created as a challenge for one of my groups. The halenge was to use packaging materials on a layout. I used cardboard stripped, masking tape and electrical tape. I also used more than 3 pattern papers which was another chalenge.
Above is a layout created for yet another challenge on my group of using a sketch and embellishming fowers. Youc an't see it but many flowers have pearls and rhinestones and gitter on them, the pink ribbon sike strips are painted masking tape and the heart was created with scrapers floss dipped in paint and then shaped to dry on wax paper.
Above is a ayout created trying to use up basic grey papers! Many used from diff. lines.