I run a preschool with 12 chilredn and all of the below information has proven very beneficial to me and its all FREE and PRINATBLE!
Here's a great link to create your own tracing worksheets. These are great sites cause you can let them pratice writing anything you like...like their name, number or fun words!
- Ok here's a great duck tracing worksheet plus more
- Great fisher price site for coloring sheets for their favorite characters:
- Great fisher price site for coloring sheets for their favorite characters:
-Great site for older kids- Its for finding and connecting penpals from all around the world
--If anyone is interested I also have a great cookbook thats called cooking through the abc's and it has a recipe to do that simple and fun for kids for each letter of the alphabet. Just let me know your email and I can email it to you.
Below are a large number of great sites for finding activities and FREE printables for your preschool to school age child.
I have so much more to share in the future if I get some good feedback and a need for other great worksheets and sites and activities...and the best part is everything I offer or show you to is FREE!!! Which I know we can all use great free things to help our children learn and have fun.
Remember I also have some items that are hard to attach on here...but if you shoot me an email and let me know a theme or something you are looking for then I am more than happy to help out. I have alittle over 300 themes....so I have alot and have access to lots of ladies who are always willing to help out on something I may be looking for.
Oh that is really cool!! I have a baby and a six year old so this is great!
Thanks for sharing these great links!
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