Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Got My Groove Back

So, after a few months of not feeling up to par from medical issues and stress from everyday life, I am BACK!!!! Since last week I have my bounce back in my step. I'm loving it. I actually got some sleep this last weekend... which is a god send.. as well I haven't ever slept well... but last 4-5 months it's been super bad.

I've been crafting alot lately, which I highly contribute to this pep in my step.

Things have been a bit crazy. It has been a swinging door here with moving some kiddos out and others in. Not an easy thing to do btu I've taken on the challenge head on! I'm ok with it.

Hmm what else... my son is yet grounded again! Ugh sometimes that kid just baffles me. Now I believe he weighs the options of what he knows will be the consequence against what he was suppose to do. haha Smart kid.. yet very dumb... lol. I'm a hard ass when it comes to breaking the rules.

For instance I have rule that when you stay the night at a friends house, you come home or call me by noon the next day. Let me know whats going on and so forth. Well Sat. Taylor stayed the night at a friends... and then didn't call... or show up. Then he decided to go to the park.. haha which isn't allowed as well!!! I have to know where you are at all times! Therefore, he is now grounded. Furthermore, he walked through he door and I said you know your in trouble right.. he says "yep." and I say your grounded for a week and he says, I know.. but it was worth not having to do my chores this afternoon.

hahaha kid cracks me up... and drives me bonkers at the same time! But that's life right.

Hmm whatever craziness.... well... honestly there hasn't been any! I'm not sure whats going on but I'm loving it. My daughter is for some reason.... liking me and my rules!!! Crazy i know right. LOL It's made it super easy and alot less battles.

However, I have noticed that the older Desiree gets the more her and Taylor bicker! BLAH! I deal with it as it comes.. I can't believe shes going to be 6 this year.. and right around the corner on the 4th of July! Sooooo BIG... well her mouth anyways.. hee hee she's still a tiny little girl.

Crafting has been going super well... loving doing video tutorials and posting projects and challenges.. be sure to check it out. Lots of free givaways! You can find it under my profile.. the craft donkey!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


I love light summer recipes. Here's one I can across that i can't wait to try! yum


Monday, May 9, 2011

Why are people so self concerned......

So, I apologize for the lapse in posting. I have been trying to get my crafting blog underway and it's taken a bit of time up. And, to be honest.. been pretty boring around here.

I'm attempting to adjust to no longer having 12 kiddos in care and no assistant. makes everything a little harder. Going to the bank, running out of toilet paper... everything.... much harder. On top of all of that also been struggling with parents being upset with me. Since I no longer have an assistant I can no longer just take siblings when they do not have school at their preschools. I'm getting calls that give me 2 days notice their even out and by then its a matter of luck if I can get an assistant in here on such short notice. in my thinking I'd think parents would prefer to make their own arrangements as opposed to me taking on extra kids and being over my limit... which can get me in great trouble.

However, this is not the case.. instead it turns into them treating me like I'm letting them down and screwing them over. I had disappointing people much less not being able to do what they want. But, in this particular instance I just can't! However, no one looks at how their reactions to me not being able to take their kids at a whims notice affects me.

Sometimes it feels everyone only cares how it affects them. I wish I could get across to people that if I did what they wanted and didn't worry about the precautions then they could end up with no care at all if I were to get into trouble for having too many kids.

It's such a stress... all the time... worrying about my life affecting my parents. At times I often wonder how can people be soo selfish. I consider the fact that i used to be able to take the spare siblings however all of my parents know that I no longer have an assistant and can no longer just take them without notice.... but they almost make it seem like care for their children that are not enrolled in my daycare is my problem.. grrrrrrrr