So, yes I know........I've gotten prolly over 20 emails wondering where in the heck i have been. Hmm best answer I have to muster is...ummmm I fell into a black hole and spent many months thinking deeply in meditation...and now I'm back. Refreshed and rejuvenated and BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH
So, seriously...umm Ive just been far too lazy. I remember about a year ago I'd read of ladies not have the time or energy to blog and I how can they not...but in the large scheme of things...blogging might of been good for me but I set it aside...for ever online chat, phone call, child, time alone, naps, and anything else I could come up with not to get on and just type.
Been following my faves none the less. Some of those moms just crack me up on a daily basis I tell u. I thought I was blunt and some of these ladies make me blush. I'll have to be sure to share them in a post after i get them all compiled.
So, my best freind had a baby......omg....... soo cute...I adore her. Been waiting 9 months for her and oh my gosh made me wish i had 10k lying arund to pop one i miss the touch and the feel...o u remember before htey can give u that dirty looks, or say no...they are sweet and innocent and oh my baby in
So, what have I been doing. Well I'm sure I could list tons of things....but their all things all of u do day to nothing new. Ohhhhhh want to hear some exciting yet totally depressing new...I no longer fit in my fave jeans...hmm and yet I have a special person who doesn't that for something interesting....hmm not too impressive.
For those of u following my past woes with my daughter....hmm well lets just say goign to bed is no longer an issue but oh my word...shes a walking talking mini version of me...I thank god everyday shes not 13 yet. She challenges me daily. The latest. This morning I was talking to her about what she would like from santa. I got some general cute things..."earrings, lip gloss" stuff like that...keep in mind shes 4.5. So, then she looks at me straight faced...630 in the morning and says..."but next yr mom I will be 5! ad in I think I'm going to ask for a bra then so my boobies will grow" I chocked on my coffee and about died............
Taylor is doing well.....seems to like his teacher more this yr..which is a blessing cause i hated the woman from last yr also....she need a broom to ride off on....serioulsy...she was that bad.
Sad to say I haven't scrapped for about 3 months. I have been doing ton do stuff for my etsy shop and for others but lacked the motivation to get in and do anything...but that will change as some family members have asked we do not buy anything but only make gifts....hmm 2 thoughts here...i have money and want to buy...see here's how i see this...I can't get more time but i can always get more is of the essence...and I just have none of it.
So, preschool is great...gotta a group of kids in right now i adore....well most days. Parents are ....hmm they might read this...they are great...wink wink
I know many have asked y I am no longer continuing on my teen mom blog...well I started on a new site.......dont hit me but its for writers and when it comes down to it they publish it for u and do all the crap no one thinks about when it comes to writing a book.
Owww...i cut off all my hair...matt said not to...hes soo not big on short hair...soo umm I had to.....needed a drastic it worked..hence the change in the profile pic....and I soooo love it!
So, ok thats it. This shud suffice for an update blog and no worries I'll get back to the helpful and comical stuff I've been asked to of this as a rough draft back into my
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
A delightfully Sad Day is coming
Desiree is Turning 4!

So, yesterday was Desirees birthday party. She turns 4 on the 4th of July. We had a great day. I rented a great inflatable obstacle course for the party and had pools and more kids then I knew what to do with.
But, later that night I began reflecting "wow in a year she will be in kindgarten." Now it might just be me but for some reason when my son went off I was estastic with I was caring for newborn Desi but was filled with exceitment to have a clean house all day long and hours to myself! I was waving at the bus smiling and pratically went skippingback to the
However with Desi I dont think this will be the case. I was almost brought to tears thinking about how quicky she had grown. I guess with Taylor is all happened so fast and I didn't knwo what to expeect and with Desi, now that i have been through it I want to savor each day- hmmm wel for the most all have read about the days I'd rather
I guess she's growing up and with her its just hitting to fast for comfort. It might of also helped that I had a fresh newborn when Taylor went off so I was focused on that more so then not having him around.
Has anyone else went through this to where for one child you felt great and the other your not looking forward to the day? I'm eager to hear about this.
Sharing some pics of yesterday's events.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Recent Creations
This past week I just had soo much time even with the prechool kiddos that I was able to devote to scrappin. I have been 1-4 pages a day done and I ove it and I have noticed that whie I have been scrappin it seems the flow of my day has been 100 percent better. Not that I dont have good days- cause I have great days! But, I noticed things havent seemed to bother me as much, it's as though I have a bit of a creation release. So, here are some pages done over the last 2 days. I'm not listing materials used but if you want to know them shoot me a comment and I'll spill it.
The above page was soo much fun to make. I loved the gear background paper but wanted to add some depth to it so I added some painted chipboard gears as well as some mini-brads and some metal gears- you can see them below more closely.
The above layout was spun by this adorable paper!!! Im sure everyone has some of these pics lying around. You know the ones around Easter time where the kiddos put the baskets or bucket son their me augh just thinking about it. I also did a little something different for depth by vutting slits in pattern paper and rolling it for some great depth...and it takes no time at al for such a great affect.
paper crafts,
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Tuesday and Wednesday Creations
Here's a layout created as well. I just adore it. It took al day to complete due to drying tmes of things but I love the way it turned out!
Materials: Pattern paper and solid paper- My Minds Eye- 29th Street Collection (love the texture of this), Spinner Card and Bird, floral, compass Rub-ons- My Minds Eye, Flowers- Prima, Token and metal spinner and grundgeboard flower and butterfly- Tim Holtz, half pearls- Basic Grey, Title rub-on Creative Imaginations, Scrap works- Nails, Paint-Ranger, fibers, ribbons, vintage german glass glitter.
I flocked the stem of this grundgeboard flower and painted the top with lake mist color. I crisscrossed the ails and fibers. The prima flower was originally red- but I oved it's stye so I painted it to tone it down.
I ran the lake mist paint over the entire page and rub-ons to tone them down the green folage was a bit to bright so by rubbing pant over it as well I got a great look. For the center I simple cut out a pointed oval shape free hand and then distressed it and heavily put paint on it. Then I placed a solid coordinating piece behind it where the hole was and ran paint across it as wel to lighten it up some.
Here is a really fun layout. Ironically the title I chose is also the collection of the The Chipboard tree is inked to give it better definition and the die cut letters have epoxy on them that you can't see that well- but its great! I also cut out a litte fox from a scrap to use at the end of the title. Pattern papers and solid papers- Imaginisce- twitterpated collection, Chipboard bunnies- Sassafrass, die cut letters- Color Bok- Friendly forrest, Ribbon- SEI, Chipboard Tree- Maya Road, Super Mini brads in tree- Queen and Co., Epoxy, ink.
I just adore these great trees. They come in soo many shapes and sizes. I added little brads just for fun!
So, this week somehow I lucked out and have 4 kiddos on vacation at once....leaving me with a rather relaxed week with a more spare moments to play. I got one a day my best work or speediest but gad to be playing none the less.
Thanks for looking!
Basic Grey,
Color Bok,
Maya Road,
My Minds Eye,
Thursday, June 4, 2009
If you say it- stick to it
Ok so when Matt and I first began dating I would aways take his soda or beer can and remove the tab from it. I'm not sure why but I have just always done this. I quickly learned that removing these was a large irritant of his. He didn't like it off and was fearful he woudn't know the tab was in the can and he'd choke while drnking. So, I quit doing it. He'd get soo frustrated when I did was comical. The benefit was thought hat I always knew which can was mine had no tab and his had a tab on it. All is well, make no difference to me.
So, last night my dad and a friend of Matts were over and everyone was sitting on the porch watching the kiddos run wild and play. I sat my drink down and went inside to get ice cream cones prepared....I come back out. Sat down and grabed the can without the tab- I do this naturaly because well I dont have to look I just know its mine- because the tabs missing.
Well, last night I learned just because it can irritate the crud out of you and you never do it- doesn't really mean that you won't do it. I take a large drink from the can-----
and begin gagging and spitting from the horriable taste and wondering whats swimming in my mouth!!!!
The men had been smoking- my dad smokes cigs. and matt was having a cigar...hmm he also chews. I guess he had removed the he knew which can they had used.....for their spit out chew, cig. ashes and buds!!!!!! NASTY-- all swimming in my mouth!!!!!!
So, here's my public plea...if you say something!!!! Stick to it.
It wasn't funny then but luckily I can laugh at it now--- 40 mouth rinses later!
So, last night my dad and a friend of Matts were over and everyone was sitting on the porch watching the kiddos run wild and play. I sat my drink down and went inside to get ice cream cones prepared....I come back out. Sat down and grabed the can without the tab- I do this naturaly because well I dont have to look I just know its mine- because the tabs missing.
Well, last night I learned just because it can irritate the crud out of you and you never do it- doesn't really mean that you won't do it. I take a large drink from the can-----
and begin gagging and spitting from the horriable taste and wondering whats swimming in my mouth!!!!
The men had been smoking- my dad smokes cigs. and matt was having a cigar...hmm he also chews. I guess he had removed the he knew which can they had used.....for their spit out chew, cig. ashes and buds!!!!!! NASTY-- all swimming in my mouth!!!!!!
So, here's my public plea...if you say something!!!! Stick to it.
It wasn't funny then but luckily I can laugh at it now--- 40 mouth rinses later!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Summer Fun
Well, it's officially summer again! We finally got all the pools pulled out and bought some new ones for the kiddos. They love everything from the sprinkers to the pools. We bought two 10x6 ft pools for the kiddos to share, some sprinker things, a large round pool for the older kiddos, and thens ome other fun things! They love it a and it keep them occupied forever! Sure beats a t.v.
Some of my Latest Creations
Here are a few pages I have completed lately! Enjoy
Above is the cover to a paperbag abum I have been working on for a customer! I normally hate working with reds...but this is for a teens graduation and I think its turing out well!
Above is a layout of my son. Rather simple but I had fun with this one!
Above is a layout I created as a challenge for one of my groups. The halenge was to use packaging materials on a layout. I used cardboard stripped, masking tape and electrical tape. I also used more than 3 pattern papers which was another chalenge.
Above is a layout created for yet another challenge on my group of using a sketch and embellishming fowers. Youc an't see it but many flowers have pearls and rhinestones and gitter on them, the pink ribbon sike strips are painted masking tape and the heart was created with scrapers floss dipped in paint and then shaped to dry on wax paper.

paper crafts,
paperbag albums,
Friday, May 15, 2009
Just Take A Deep Breath
- Whne you find out a child let a toy fish go swimming in the toilet...take another breath when youg e tthe bill from the plumber for having to remove the toilet to fish out the fish after it's clogging the toilet cause a huge flood.
- When 2 toddlers decide to see hwo many flushes and full rolls of toilet paper they can flush at once...cause a flood...and then leaking thorugh the floor to your lower level ceilings.
- When you have someone else's kid ook at you and say "hi stupid slut!" not in a rude way but in a perfectly funa nd delightful way.
-When a long time parent of over a year all of a sudden quits beinging their chid to your daycare...even after you gave them 14 free weeks because they were laid off....take another breath when they don't ever make an attempt to pay you or speak to you...then take another breath before telling your daughter why her best friend of all time no longer comes to see her.
- When you need a good release and he's the only one who gets one!!!
- When you waxed your legs with no pain or problem at made it through a natural chidbirth and then decide to wax your private bad can it hurt..AHHHHHHHH ok take a big scream for this!!!
- When you feel as though there's two people in the house and yet...your the only one listening to the fighting and screaming and fighting between children.
-When you put on make-up for the first time in a few weeks during the day for no reason at all...and another parent says.."wow, I didn't know...umm wow, you wear make-up." as though they are dumb founded that you can wear it or something.
- When for the ump tenth time someone questions whether or not your children are yours because of how young you look.
-When the only adult peple you tak to in a day are those you chat with on-line and you this healthy.
- When you just cleaned a room and before you make it to the's trashed with toys and things the baby will put into their mouth.
- When a child wakes up in a bad mood and no matter what you do they won't come out of it...
- When it's your turn to mow the lawn and you spent 4 hrs with the push mower...then when its the hubbys turn he calls a friend for the riding mower.
- When the newest thing you have bought yoursef is cleaners for the house...heck they do make your job slightly easier.
- When you have to rack your brain for a week trying to decide what you and your kids can do away from the hom for 3 hrs while you bomb your house...and come up with nothing better than the park that you want to risk doing at that hour of the day.
Hmm so thats all for now....Note: all of these events happened within the last week!!! hahahaha
- When 2 toddlers decide to see hwo many flushes and full rolls of toilet paper they can flush at once...cause a flood...and then leaking thorugh the floor to your lower level ceilings.
- When you have someone else's kid ook at you and say "hi stupid slut!" not in a rude way but in a perfectly funa nd delightful way.
-When a long time parent of over a year all of a sudden quits beinging their chid to your daycare...even after you gave them 14 free weeks because they were laid off....take another breath when they don't ever make an attempt to pay you or speak to you...then take another breath before telling your daughter why her best friend of all time no longer comes to see her.
- When you need a good release and he's the only one who gets one!!!
- When you waxed your legs with no pain or problem at made it through a natural chidbirth and then decide to wax your private bad can it hurt..AHHHHHHHH ok take a big scream for this!!!
- When you feel as though there's two people in the house and yet...your the only one listening to the fighting and screaming and fighting between children.
-When you put on make-up for the first time in a few weeks during the day for no reason at all...and another parent says.."wow, I didn't know...umm wow, you wear make-up." as though they are dumb founded that you can wear it or something.
- When for the ump tenth time someone questions whether or not your children are yours because of how young you look.
-When the only adult peple you tak to in a day are those you chat with on-line and you this healthy.
- When you just cleaned a room and before you make it to the's trashed with toys and things the baby will put into their mouth.
- When a child wakes up in a bad mood and no matter what you do they won't come out of it...
- When it's your turn to mow the lawn and you spent 4 hrs with the push mower...then when its the hubbys turn he calls a friend for the riding mower.
- When the newest thing you have bought yoursef is cleaners for the house...heck they do make your job slightly easier.
- When you have to rack your brain for a week trying to decide what you and your kids can do away from the hom for 3 hrs while you bomb your house...and come up with nothing better than the park that you want to risk doing at that hour of the day.
Hmm so thats all for now....Note: all of these events happened within the last week!!! hahahaha
Thursday, April 23, 2009
The Things I Live Through- Chapter 3
So, the ast 36 hrs have been jam packed with drama! Everyone loves a ittle crisis right? Ha Ha So, here's the news to share...picture ook much better than actual
Desi took a leap of faith yesterday...not sure if she was pushed (by my darling younger son who happened to put the ladder up there after it was taken down) or jumped...but she took a leap....from the top bunk of her brothers bed, into a ceiing fan spinning on high and to the floor head first!... A trip to the ER, a few shots injected into the wounds to numb then and she got stitches- then by the time the made it to her head...they didn't test it for numbness....and just shot the first staple in...well.....she wasn't still she leaped from the table screaming in pain...then the numbed her again......and put the other staple in! She has a concusion...
The poor child spent 4 hrs in the ER getting stapled and stitched and cleaned and X-rayed. She's my hero...not a singe tear after the initial scare wore off! Her hair looks pink from the blood...
And you'l never guess where I was just about 12 hrs earlier. I was in a nother ER with my youngest illness reason.....hahaha I got home and told me son...I'm heading out to the store to pick up some feel better sit still'll get you one...if you promise not to hurt yourself within the next 24 hrs...hahahahah
Just another thing I managed to live through yet again. Funny thing is 4 generations of my famiy all have scars on the left side of the temple in that same spot...three of which came from bunk beds...hahahah just gotta laugh!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Craft Show Baby Albums
Here are some of my latest layouts. I completed 40 pages in 2 days. These are 8x8 pages and have no pics as I am going to try to sell them this weekend at a craft sale. They are a rather simple yet fun!!! Hope you enjoy!! I am currenty completing a 12x12 album in this same color scheme...that I wil share shortly!!

baby boy,
baby girl,
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