So, it has been some time since I have posted so wanted to give a large update on many interesting things!
- Okay a few weeks ago I posted an entry about how hard of a time I was having fighting my daughter and her bedtime routine. Well, I am proud to announce that for the last two whole weeks I have put her to bed on my own and only had to go in once on a few nights...other than that there are no more more getting up fifty time, no more fighting her. I am not even sure what I am doing differently. BUt, I just began putting her to bed and letting her know I would see her int he morning and just like that...she began falling asleep on her own and no fits or maybe it was just a it was a 1 year things but it is over...yea!!!!!!
- Christmas is upon us and this year I am especially excited! This year we were ableto do well by our own family and by a few adopted families....which pleased me greatly that we were abble to do that.
- Our new puppy is growing greatly and doing quite well. She's a handful and as I suspected I am the one primarily caring for even though we had a good two toher people (boys and men) in the house swear it would be on she has become a great addition to our home.
- I no longer am caring for the 4 small children I was watching int eh evening--you remember them thier mother was the one who drove me craxy with her in-capability to take care of her children- well I had to turn her over to child services after I found out she was allower her unstable 4 yr old to attend after her 1 yr old on her own while she ran errands and it was a double edged sword for me...lost 1700 a month in my income but did what was best for the children- she no longer is in care of any of them- I guess she was already on her 3rd strike....ahhh soo sad....but I had no choice in my situation. But I must admot I have loved having my weekends back to myself!
- I will after the new year be taking on a few new children of which I am very excited about- 2 boys around 18 months old- not siblings....also signed a new 5 yr old a week ago. Kinda refreshing after having soo many girls around (I only had my 2 sons and one other boy the rest were girls) and now it looks to be it ought to be kinda interesting. Also had one of my day time boys go to nights.
- As of today i have baked 22 loafs of bread- banana, apple strussle and cinnamon strussel. Baked well over 300 cookies......
- Today- I woke up went to the store and began cleaning the house...when I got to the kitchen---SUPRISE SUPRISE My PIPES ARE FRZEN....and only in the kitchen...of all all day I have been doing my dishes in the shower and tubs of water...this is soo not a good time to be having freezing pipes with all the cooking that goes ont his time of year. But, I bear with it....called the landlord and he said nothing he can do right I hope they don't burst tonight....
- Ok so there's a little overview- oh ya an dmy daughters hair....hmm still looks bad but shes gotten used to wearing a hat when we go
Having a great Holiday everyone!!!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
The things I Live Thru
You know the things I hear and see never seem to amae me esp. when it comes to kids...hmm but this one took the cake. So, a few mornings ago Matt came out of the room from talking to me... and says "OH SHIT" then comes back into the room and says you don't want to go out there. I say why not what has she done- Desi is always into something- one morning like 10 of my glitters mixed up. He says "she cut her hair"---I say hmm how bad....he says "very very very bad" i come out and wow there's hair piled around her. It's not alittle snip like I am used to seeing with the preschool kids. She had my sharp scrapbook the cutting wasn't hard at all. It was like cutting butter. She cut her bangs, all of the hair on one sife and butchered te other side and some in the back!
I had just taken her a week before and got a very cute cut done so that he hair wouldnt knot nearly as bad and it had worked....and then she does this....hmm you will be able to see.....I am posting a before pic...that was taken thanksgiving day and then the after shot taken right after her cutting spree. The sad part we were going to get family pics taken this year......ummmmm soo not cool. I was crying I dont mean to sound materialistic but her and I are the only girls and well I hate to see that cutness go. Some have said it looks like an edgy cut like one you would see in vouge but hmm I guess vogue isn't foe me. Normally I look at those girls and say what the hell was she thinking. So makes it hard for me to see it in a pos. So, here they are....yet another thing I have lived through
and Im not dead! Go Figure and Please before syaing ah its cute or not that bad...please wonder to yourself if it happened to your head or your child's if you'd feel that

Wednesday, December 3, 2008
A Suprise For My Followers---Read This--Something Free For Children This Holiday Season!

So, I have been reading in many blogs that I personally follow how rough this year is going to be for many family. Esp with the economy the way it is and many of you I know have cut hours or someone laid off or just life that makes it impossiable to get everything you want to get for your loved ones and most importantly your children.
So, i sell items on Etsy. I have posted briefly about it previously. This year I am selling cute letters from santa with "reindeer" food. The letters are all personal...not one where I just fill in your childs name and a few details...sooooooo I was thinking.....if you aren't well off for the holidays or say you know a family who is not going to have a giftful holiday..(not that that's what its all about in any mean but I have three children and run a preschool and know ho wwe always wish we could do more) Anyway this year I am blessed with spare income I normally would not have...I already sell these letters quite cheap, but right now I have 10 followers...I am have decided that each follower can email me at with either your childrens or a family you know who will go with litle to none this year. I will need an address, childs name, age, sex, did they move recently, what are they asking santa for, will they for sure be getting anythign they are asking for?, is there anythign you want santa to say to "you've been goo dbut remember not to jump on your bed" or anything like that...and any other what they are into or anything like that. Each letter is different. and each letter will come with reindeer food!
This is my gift of giving this either your family or someone you know- so all your gracious followers---thank you....and like I said this is please email me with any questions or your kids info. These letters also come with a north pole post mark for those...oh so skeptical older But the letters ARE FREE!! So, please if youd like to give my gift to someone you know...this is sure to add spark to someone.
So, i sell items on Etsy. I have posted briefly about it previously. This year I am selling cute letters from santa with "reindeer" food. The letters are all personal...not one where I just fill in your childs name and a few details...sooooooo I was thinking.....if you aren't well off for the holidays or say you know a family who is not going to have a giftful holiday..(not that that's what its all about in any mean but I have three children and run a preschool and know ho wwe always wish we could do more) Anyway this year I am blessed with spare income I normally would not have...I already sell these letters quite cheap, but right now I have 10 followers...I am have decided that each follower can email me at with either your childrens or a family you know who will go with litle to none this year. I will need an address, childs name, age, sex, did they move recently, what are they asking santa for, will they for sure be getting anythign they are asking for?, is there anythign you want santa to say to "you've been goo dbut remember not to jump on your bed" or anything like that...and any other what they are into or anything like that. Each letter is different. and each letter will come with reindeer food!
This is my gift of giving this either your family or someone you know- so all your gracious followers---thank you....and like I said this is please email me with any questions or your kids info. These letters also come with a north pole post mark for those...oh so skeptical older But the letters ARE FREE!! So, please if youd like to give my gift to someone you know...this is sure to add spark to someone.
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